Nose Surgery

Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty)
Nasal cosmetic surgery can improve the shape, size and overall appearance of a patient’s nose. Also known as rhinoplasty, nasal surgery can significantly improve the function of the nose, especially in cases such as a deviated septum. drName, our experienced cosmetic surgeon, is able to help you attain all of your goals regarding your nose with cutting-edge nasal surgery procedures.
Rhinoplasty Treatment:
Noses are made with cartilage, which continues to grow as we age. Because of this, a nose that was completely satisfactory when you were younger may begin to look out of place on your older face. Genetics, disease or trauma can also leave you with a nose that is less than what you desire. drName has the experience to surgically address these cosmetic and functional concerns, helping to provide you with a nose that complements your face, bringing harmony and balance between the features of your face.
Rhinoplasty alone can make a significant difference to your face, and can leave you feeling happier about every other facial aspect, exuding self-confidence. Patients who have a deviated septum can often have difficulty sleeping. Surgical correction of this nasal problem can leave you breathing easier and sleeping more deeply. Some patients have greater functional issues, many of which can be addressed surgically in conjunction with rhinoplasty.
Patients may undergo nasal cosmetic surgery as soon as their skeletal growth is completed. Typically, this is in the early teens (14+) for females and mid teens (16-17) for males. Nasal surgery is performed through the nostrils, primarily via an incision in the skin between the nostrils, known as the columella. Because the incision is so small, any scarring will often be completely invisible. Even though swelling can continue for six to nine months following surgery, patients will notice a difference within one week.
Often performed as a day surgery at drName’s offices or at a surgical center, you could be able to return home the same day of your treatment. drName will evaluate your individual needs during your initial consultation. You’ll be informed of your surgical options, including the details to prepare you for the time before, during and after your rhinoplasty. All of your questions will be answered, preparing you for the recovery period.
Before Nasal Surgery:
drName will collect a comprehensive medical history from you, and will conduct a detailed examination. Digital images will allow drName to recommend the particular procedures necessary to accomplish your nasal goals and to keep your face in balance aesthetically. You will be instructed to cease taking any medicines that thin your blood and prevent clotting, such as aspirin, and antibiotics may be prescribed to reduce the risk of infection.
Nasal Surgery Procedure:
Rhinoplasty is typically performed while the patient is sedated intravenously. IV sedation provides a deeper level of relaxation and therefore, less bruising and swelling than can be expected from general anesthesia.
If your goal is to reduce the size, angle and shape of your nose, including the removal of any bump or hump, the skin of the nose will be lifted off of the cartilage and bone. These will be reshaped, and then the skin will be gently reattached. If you have a deviated septum, drName may correct it via internal incisions across the flesh between the nostrils. In an open approach, the incisions are made across the tissue between the nostrils externally. Nasal flare correction can require incisions near the upper lip and nose to help narrow the nostril. Patients looking to significantly alter their profiles should consider adding chin augmentation to their cosmetic surgery.
Post Operative Care:
Recovery from nasal surgery can take between seven and fourteen days. Normal activity is typically resumed in that same time span. Immediately following surgery, the septum is protected and the shape of the nose is maintained with a small, lightweight splint, internally and/or externally. This splint is removed within seven days. Stuffiness is completely normal after nasal surgery, especially following any alternations to the septum.
Any lingering pain is easily controlled with medications, first prescription and then over-the-counter. You can expect bruising under your eyes, but any discoloration will begin to fade quickly, and will be gone by the time you are able to resume normal activity.